Spring Cleaning With Kids!
Spring is around the corner and for some households, that means Spring Cleaning! It’s a great time of year to clean those things you typically don’t get too often during the year. Involving your kids can be a great help and can be a great time to teach household skills to your children. Here are a few tips on how to involve your kids with Spring Cleaning and make it fun!
Make a spring cleaning checklist. Sit down with your kids and determine which tasks need to be done room by room. Here’s a great checklist for reference! Allow the kids to contribute tasks to the list as well! Set a date or a week that you and the family plan to work on the spring cleaning checklist then make a schedule with all the tasks and days you will complete them. Here is an example chore chart that you can download here! (P.S. Have you cleaned your Buggie Huggie in a while? This is a great time to give it a good deep clean before sticking it in your diaper bag or in the car for easy use!)

Let your child choose which chore(s) they want to do.
After creating your master checklist, get fun stickers or markers for your child to pick the chores they’d like to do. You may have to redirect some chores based on appropriate age/skill levels. Give ample oversight and instruction before the chore begins and during. Providing fun stickers when tasks are complete can motivate and encourage your kid as they progress.
Make cleaning fun!
Before your spring cleaning day/week begins, have the kids make a cleaning playlist that they can enjoy together while they clean. This was always something we did growing up and it made cleaning so much fun! Determine a fun activity for the whole family to do together once spring cleaning is over such as going bowling, or maybe a pizza and movie night at home!
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to depend just on mom and dad. It can be a family affair and something that the whole family might even look forward to each year, especially once your kids have experienced the joy of living in a clean and tidy home.
Happy Spring!