Best gifts for new parents at Christmas!
What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received for Christmas? A scratchy sweater? An ugly painting? A bulky appliance you never use? I think I’ve received every one of these!
If you’re on the other end of that story and have been the person who never knows what to get your friend or loved one, we’re here to help. Today we want to share some ideas and tips for the best gifts to get new parents.

Let’s be real. Becoming a parent can be one of the biggest shocks of a person’s life. The exhaustion is indescribable and for some, can be crippling mentally and emotionally. The thing a new parent will drool over is one word -- sleep. Rest and relaxation is critical for the mental and physical health of a new parent. Consider purchasing an overnight hotel stay and help provide childcare options if possible. If the parents aren’t able or ready to leave their child overnight, consider a massage or spa outing.

Worst gifts vs. best gifts. According to research, food & household items, clothing, and home decor were rated the worst Christmas gifts. Surprisingly, on the top of people’s list was giftcards. I know, boring, right? Parents might greatly appreciate an Amazon gift card, Target gift card, Visa card etc. The list of things to buy for babies can seem endless for some parents, so gift cards give them the autonomy to buy what they need, when they need it.

Buggie Huggie™ Gift Cards.The Buggie Huggie™ released our very own gift cards just in time for the holidays! A Buggie Huggie gift card might be the perfect gift for a new parent!
As you prepare for the holiday season, we pray that you will be filled with great peace and hope. It can be a stressful season with many expectations put on us for food, entertainment, and the perfect gifts for friends and family. In all the hussle and bussle, don’t forget the importance of the season in remembering our Savior coming to the earth.